Combined Portfolio Metrics
Analyze the collective performance of multiple sites. This tool allows you to view aggregated data across a group of sites, providing comprehensive insights into your overall portfolio.
Why would you want to combine metrics across multiple sites?
There are a multitude of reasons why you would want to combine metrics across your portfolio of sites:
Easy organization: Tags allow users to group sites by categories like “Active clients”, website types (e.g., Ecommerce, Local), or any custom classification.
International performance analysis: Tags can group international subdomains, enabling quick assessment of global site performance.
Our tagging system provides a flexible and user-friendly way to manage and analyze data across various web properties within a single interface.
How to use our combined portfolio metrics?
Step 1: Tag the websites that you wish to group together.
Step 2: Click on the filter at the top of the master dashboard.
Step 3: Voila, combined portfolio metrics are now available.
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